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Struggles of Organ Donation: Microcosm of American Healthcare

by Cameron Takmil, December 2, 2023 In the last year alone, over 42,000 transplants were performed. Yet, 17 people a day of the 100,000 people on the national transplant waiting list die without the transplant they so desperately hope for (HRSA). Those who are fortunate to survive on life-sustaining treatments will likely find themselves without…

Why Genetically Modified Foods are Nothing to Fear and Should be Explored to the Full Extent

by Ramizah Tayiba, October 21, 2023 The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reported that over 795 million people are malnourished globally, 98% of whom are from developing countries. With the global population expected to rise to 9.7 billion by 2050 (UN), it will be challenging to produce enough food for the current population,…

Food Insecurity in Jewish Communities

by Brian Hakimi, October 7, 2023 The COVID-19 pandemic was a crisis which had a profound impact on the contemporary world. We have all witnessed the lingering effects of the pandemic on the United States; many stores and restaurants were forced to close their doors, and the cost of basic necessities has dramatically increased—especially for…


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